Using plastic coupon card mailers can have substantial benefits on your direct-mail campaigns. These unique laminated marketing products don’t just provide benefits to you as a business owner; they provide a chance for customers to take advantage of special promos and other savings as well.
Plastic Coupon Card Mailers Give You the Chance to Provide Customers With a Unique Savings Opportunity.
The deals and promotions offered on plastic card mailers are exclusive to these direct-mail campaigns. Customers can obtain benefits through these campaigns that they aren’t able to obtain from any other source. This turns the plastic card mailer into a chance for one-of-a-kind savings, making the consumer feel like they’ve received something exclusive and special.
There Are Plenty of Reasons for Incorporating a Plastic Card Mailer into Your Direct-Mail Campaign.
Plastic card mailers don’t have to be only for announcing sales or discounts. Using these plastic coupon mailers, you can create many types of savings and promotional events. The best part is, they can be used for a variety of different consumers!
Who Should I Use Plastic Coupon Mailers For?
Our mailing list options can provide you with targeting for two specific demographics of consumers.
Using Plastic Card Mailers for Return Customers
Plastic coupon mailers can be used as a way to offer discounts and other incentives to return customers. The best person to target for buying is someone who has already bought! There’s no better way to incentivize them to return for more business than by thanking them with some type of discount.
Saying “thank you” to a loyal customer can be done in several ways. Some of the following ways are perfect for incorporating plastic coupon mailers:
- Discounted percentage on next purchase. Use targeted mailing lists to send plastic card mailers to return customers, offering them a certain percentage off their next purchase. This discount can be whatever you wish: 10, 15, 20, 25% or any other amount you would like.
- Buy One, Get One. Reward your return customers with a buy one, get one free promotion. They can use their plastic card mailer to redeem their free item. Alternatively, you can make these discounts item-specific if you’re looking to move a particular piece of inventory. Buy item 1 and receive item 2 for free.
- Use a unique magnetic stripe for a rewards program. Customers who have the chance to obtain loyalty rewards have a much higher chance of frequenting your business for multiple purchases. Plastic card mailers can be equipped with magnetic stripes to identify each customer. These can be used for unique rewards each time the customer makes a purchase at your business.
Using plastic coupon mailers can be a fantastic way to attract new customers as well.
Using Plastic Coupon Mailers for New Customers
Using plastic coupon mailers can be a great way to target new consumers who haven’t tried your business or service yet. You can even target specific demographics who normally wouldn’t frequent your business to try and build an entirely new customer base.
- New customer promotion. Offer a promotion using plastic card mailers, having the customer use the cards as a redemption ticket. The promotion can be anything you would like; a free item, a certain percentage off, the options are endless!
- Grand opening promotion. When you’re opening a new business, everyone is a new customer. Use broad mailing lists to target residents in a certain area to invite them to your new business. The plastic card mailers can offer each new patron of your new business some type of special deal. Notify them that they must redeem their plastic gift card on location to receive their discount/bonus.
Regardless of how you use these plastic card mailers, these unique coupons are changing the way companies reward their customers.
Plastic Card Mailers Are Changing the Way We Use Coupons
You can wave goodbye to huge bundles of weekly coupons by utilizing plastic coupon mailers as an all-inclusive discount option!
1. Effective and User-Friendly
Using plastic coupon mailers is an extremely effective and user-friendly way to reward your customers. You can send out one plastic card mailer to each new or existing customer, and they can use it an infinite number of times.
You can use plastic coupon mailers in conjunction with your e-mail lists to keep customers notified. Whenever you offer a new specific sale or discount, you can notify customers via e-mail to exactly which offers are available on the card!
2. Fast, High-Quality Turnaround
Once a customer receives their unique plastic card mailer, discounts are already at their fingertips. This eliminates consumers having to wait weekly or monthly for boring paper coupons to hit their mailbox.
These high-quality plastic coupons and gift cards are visually impressive, and customers love to have them on hand. They can also take advantage of offers quickly and in a very efficient way.
3. Design Options
These plastic card mailers are fully customizable, so you have an infinite number of design options to offer your customers. They can also be personalized, which gives consumers another element of exclusivity.
Let’s look at some more amazing benefits of these plastic card mailers.
Benefits of Plastic Coupon Mailers
There are numerous benefits to using plastic coupon mailers. Take a look at some of the ways your company can take advantage of these promotional pieces that can motivate your target audience to action.
High Success Rates
The return-on-investment of direct-mail campaigns is around 16%. Using plastic coupon mailers can be even higher because of high-quality imaging and unique benefits.
Simple to Create
Plastic coupon mailers are incredibly easy to create. Triadex can design, create, and mail everything out for you. Let us handle the heavy lifting! You sit back and reap the rewards! The only thing you need to do is provide information regarding the target demographic and a little information about the campaign. We’ll handle the rest.
They Make You Stand Out
You are sure to stand out from the competition by using plastic card mailers. While other competitors are still using normal, boring paper with a high gloss at best, you’ll be light years ahead. By providing an attractive plastic option for consumers to take advantage of, your competition will be left in the dust!
Options for Any Business
There is no limit to the types of businesses that can use plastic coupon mailers. These are just some of the industries we have provided services for in the past:
- Automotive
- Restaurant
- Healthcare
- Entertainment
- Real-estate
- Artistic
- Beauty
- Retail
- Home Services
- And many more!
They Withstand Wear and Tear
Plastic card mailers also withstand wear and tear! It doesn’t matter how rough the weather gets on a mail route or what the consumer puts them through; these plastic coupon mailers will stand up to the test of time!
Unlike paper coupons that are used traditionally, water won’t damage plastic card mailers. The unique laminated outer layer is specifically made to be durable.
The Perceived Value is High
Consumers will approach these plastic coupon mailers with a very high perceived value. Each specific recipient will feel that they are receiving something exclusive; in a sense, they are! 75% of consumers are interested in receiving or purchasing a product based on the fact they received an offer for it in the mail.
Let’s face it; normal paper coupons are hard to keep up with. Who wants to carry big stacks of paper with them into a retail store to redeem their offers? Each consumer can conveniently place their plastic card into their wallet or purse. This way, they can easily remove it and present it during their next visit to a retail location!
Multitude of Offers
Using plastic coupon mailers as an all-inclusive discount and coupon card is one way to utilize these mailers. However, that’s not the only way they can be used for your direct-mail campaigns.
Alternatively, you can use plastic card mailers in multiple rows on one plastic sheet. Include several one-time use cards on one page, allowing the customer to redeem each card every time they come into your location. They can use them at different times for separate offers. These are great for marketing to first-time customers!
Plastic coupon mailers are available with multiple design options as well.
Plastic Coupon Mailer Design Options
When many people think of plastic gift cards or coupons, they think of the normal rectangle shape that comes with any card design. However, Triadex can design your plastic card mailers in a wide variety of styles.
- We can design multi-promotional mailers. These are the types of plastic card mailers that contain multiple plastic coupons on one page. Offer consumers a variety of different discounts and promos for them to redeem at different times. This gives them a chance to spread out the redemption offers among several trips. These types of coupons can give consumers the incentive to return to your location for second and third trips to redeem their rewards.
- Gift cards. We can design the traditional gift card look for your plastic card mailers. However, we can customize these cards with whatever graphics and logo you’d like. They can contain your normal company logo, or we can highlight specific products. Different backgrounds can be used or multiple picture options if you’d like. The options are literally endless when it comes to customizable design.
- Key tags. Key tags are a favorite among plastic card mailer options. Key tags are easy and convenient, as consumers can easily attach them to their keys and be reminded of your business every time they start their car or open their door. These key tags can be used as a discount each time they are swiped, or as a tracker for rewards and loyalty programs.
- Loyalty cards. These come in the same shape as the normal gift cards. However, instead of containing a one-time discount or a certain balance for redemption, they are used for loyalty and rewards programs. These are great to offer existing customers who already spend money with you. Alternatively, they can be a great way to entice new customers to frequent your business as well. If a consumer knows incentives are involved for spending money at your location, they are more likely to spend their money there.
- Multi-use coupons. Multi-use discounts are designed to be used more than once. These can be offered as components that are a part of a week or month-long promotion, or in other customizable ways!
- Incentive cards. These are used much like loyalty cards. The only difference is instead of using loyalty points, these incentive cards may offer free items or other rewards for purchasing other specific items.
Be Sure to Ask About Our Die-Cut Gift Cards as Well!
These Die-Cut Cards Can Make Your Plastic Card Mailer Really Stand Out!
Incorporate Specific High-Quality Graphics or the Shape of Your Logo into the Card Design!
Did you know that using plastic card mailers can be a great way to keep track of data?
Using Plastic Card Mailers to Track Data
The magnetic stripe on the back of plastic gift cards allows you to track redemptions and other data. When you use a POS (point-of-sale) terminal, the system will recognize the unique serial number assigned to that card’s magnetic stripe.
For new mailing lists and first-time customers, this data can be priceless. This unique system will allow you to store information like age, gender, income, and other dynamics regarding the consumer. When this data is collected, it can be used to target future campaigns with more precision.
Speaking of data, that’s only one way using Triadex for plastic card mailers is beneficial to your company. What other benefits does using Triadex specifically for plastic card mailers have?
Why Choose Triadex for Plastic Coupon Mailers?
When you specifically choose Triadex for your plastic card mailers, you’re receiving several additional benefits compared to other companies. Why should you choose Triadex for plastic coupon mailers?
1. We Are Conscious About the Environment
All of our products are made from materials that use minimum carbon footprints. At Triadex, we understand how fragile our environment is. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the National Forest Foundation to create Triadex Cares.
What is Triadex Cares?
In 2016, we partnered with the National Forest Foundation to create a unique foundation aimed at repopulating the forests of our world. We understand how detrimental using large amounts of paper can be. As a part of the mailing industry, we understand we’ve used our fair share of paper. This is why one of our number one goals is to give back to our environment.
Each sale we garner will help to plant at least one tree. That’s right; with your help, every time a sale is made at Triadex, we plant one tree to help preserve our globe’s forests. Included in this program are orders for:
- Plastic Card Mailers
- Paper Direct Mail Products
- Digital Campaigns
- List Rentals
With your help, we’re doing our part at Triadex to help build a more sustainable environment.
2. Experience In the Plastic Card Mailer Industry
We have over two decades of experience in the direct-mail and marketing sector. This includes our expertise in the plastic card mailer space.
Our team consists of graphics and marketing experts that are prepared to assist you with your campaign every step of the way. From the beginning design stages to the mail-list targeting, all the way to the point of mailing your materials, we make sure your campaign is as profitable as possible.
We’re available during each step of the process, providing insight and answering all the questions you might have. We consider our clients more like family.
3. Fast Turnaround Time
One of our biggest priorities is providing you with a fast turnaround time for your order. We understand that time is money, and every minute that passes by in the marketing world can mean thousands of dollars.
This is why we strive to finish your order in the fastest amount of time possible. From start to finish, our biggest priorities are your time and satisfaction.
4. Tracking
After your campaign begins, we can help you with the tracking portion of your campaign. Once you start any type of marketing venture, one of the most important elements of the process is your tracking.
We can help you with demographic tracking for all the important variables. The tracking doesn’t just include your target audience, either. We also help with design tracking as well. We offer many types of split testing to ensure your campaigns are as optimized as possible.
Do You Still Have a Few Questions? That’s Okay; We’ll Try Our Best to Address and Answer Them Below.
FAQs Regarding Plastic Card Mailers
1. Can I use my own artwork for the graphics?
Absolutely! We encourage you to use your own custom graphics for your plastic card mailers. However, it’s important to keep in mind key points like pixels and dimensions. The best thing to do is submit to us the graphics you want to be incorporated, and we will do our best to size them to fit on the plastic card. Rest assured, no decisions will be made until we have your final approval.
2. Can I expect a higher ROI by using plastic card mailers?
Nothing is ever set in stone when it comes to advertising. In this industry, nothing is guaranteed. With that being said, many of our past clients and other reports from the industry have reported huge ROI numbers when it comes to plastic card mailers. The overall redemption and response rates are also historically much higher when it comes to plastic card mailers.
3. What makes plastic card mailers so much more effective?
This question goes hand-in-hand with the previous question. There are several reasons why plastic card mailers are more effective than average printing and direct-mail methods.
First and foremost, the graphics lead the charge with regard to effectiveness. The graphics do most of the heavy lifting with these types of direct-mail campaigns. What we mean by this is that the graphics initially grab the consumer’s attention. Your plastic card mailer could have the best deal in the universe, but without the proper attention-grabbing properties, nobody would ever know about them because they wouldn’t read them.
The second dynamic comes into play after the consumer has noticed the plastic cards. These plastic card mailers give the consumer an exclusive feeling. The way they are personalized speaks to the consumer and gives them a feeling they are holding something valuable. In essence, they are holding value. The ability to receive a customized plastic card mailer that saves them money is of incredibly high value, and the response rates prove this!
4. Can I create different designs of plastic card mailers for the same campaign?
Yes, this is what is known as split testing. Creating different graphics on various plastic cards that get mailed to different lists gives you a chance to test different demographics and different designs. This is the same way you would test different creatives using online advertising.
We can help with this process and offer you some top-notch advice that will hopefully net you better results!
Contact Triadex to Start Your Plastic Coupon Mailer Campaign
If you’re ready to pull the trigger on your plastic card mailer campaign, we are ready and waiting to help you achieve success! Contact Triadex Services today, so we can answer your questions and help you with a free quote.
Our team is standing by to help you kick start your campaign. After your questions have been answered, and we’ve established a clear plan, we can get started on your order right away once you approve our quote. We look forward to doing business with you!