Triadex Services Continues its “Cares” Initiative
The eco-movement is growing faster than ever as more data comes to light on how our natural resources are being affected by various industries and sociological habits.
In fact, according to a 2020 report by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, 129 million hectares of forest had been lost since 1990 from deforestation. That is an area equivalent to 498,072 Square miles, or almost twice the size of Texas!
Additionally, it is estimated that approximately 29,157 square miles are lost each year. That’s an area approx. 5,000 square miles MORE than the state of West Virginia.
Fortunately, more people are working to “do their part” to help improve, or even undo the damage that has already been done. A good example of this has been accomplished by Sebastião Salgado and Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado, a Brazilian photographer and his wife, in the planting of 2 million trees over 2 decades.
Read the full story of this amazing achievement and the positive effect it has had at BoredPanda.com
At Triadex Services, we work to not only offer environmentally friendly options for our clients but also strive to make our direct mail services as “carbon neutral” as possible. Thanks to a study done at the University of South Florida, we know that a single tree can offset the carbon impact of one of our direct mail campaigns in LESS THAN 5 YEARS.
This information led us to partner with the National Forest Foundation to create the Triadex Cares program.
Since 2016, Triadex has Taken the Initiative to Plant a Minimum of One Tree With Every Order
This includes orders for:
- Plastic Direct Mail Products
- Paper Direct Mail Products
- Digital Campaigns
- List Rentals
To date, we have planted over 10,000 trees within the US National Forest system and counting!