Card Mailer Sets National Restaurant Chain Redemption & ROI Record
CHALLENGE: A restaurant chain with 100 locations decided to try Triadex Card Mailer’s plastic postcard. They tested many various direct mail pieces in the past. They thought the quality of our piece and the “gift card mentality” would increase their direct mail ROI and redemption rates.
SOLUTION: The restaurant chain ran a pilot campaign. They mailed 70,000 pieces. Some of the locations required a minimum purchase of $30. The other stores didn’t require a minimum purchase.
- The client reported an average of 9% redemption rates for all of their stores included in the test
- Stores that required a minimum purchase of $30 netted $38 after the $10 discount
- Stores that didn’t require a minimum purchase netted $26 after the $10 discount
- The corporate office is now executing their 2nd Triadex Card Mailers campaign system-wide to all Corporate-owned stores.